Virtual JTAC Simulator
The Virtual JTAC Simulator is a revolutionary new system that provides trainees with the ability to conduct Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC), Forward Air Controller (FAC) or Forward Observer (FO) roles in a portable platform, a classroom setting, or a 360 degree virtual environment using the exact same software configuration.
Exceptionally high resolution graphics with unlimited view distances combine to offer JTAC trainees the ability to identify aircraft, targets and threats whilst maintaining control of the battlefield situation. Replica equipment allows trainees to operate exactly as they would in reality. The VSS Virtual JTAC Simulator has achieved the highest accreditations possible at multiple locations, and is in active operation within numerous JTAC Programs around the world.Main Features
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MK2 Sniper Trainer
The VSS MK2 Sniper Trainer is a revolutionary new system that turns any scoped weapon into a Sniper simulator. MK2 presents a complete COTS training package for snipers and spotters, with a projection dome, virtual devices, and integrated software.
MK2 supports 2-man sniper teams by combining detachable Virtual Reality hardware optics with high-fidelity computer simulation, offering a complete training solution that can simply clip onto a field weapon or replica gun.Main Features
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Virtual Vehicle Trainer (VVT)
The latest in virtual simulators from VSS, the Virtual Vehicle Trainer (VVT) is an innovation in the world of simulated vehicle driver and crew training.
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VVT Offers:
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Training Capabilities
Mounted Arms Simulator (MArS)
The VSS Mounted Arms Simulator (MArS) is an immersive, cost effective weapon training solution which allows gunnery part tasking procedures and immediate action drills to be taught, practiced and assessed in simulated Air, Land and Sea scenarios.
MArS now supports the next generation TitanIM simulation engine for maximum fidelity and boundless operation.
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